G.A.P. is the set of rules that we apply for an eco-friendly and sustainable management of our agricultural activities, in order to produce a raw material with the highest and most nutritious quality, with the least possible environmental impact and zero chemical residue.
Sustainability and
The objectives of our GAP are:
- respecting natural resources (air, water, soil) through the optimisation of agronomic interventions and external inputs;
- producing a high-quality raw material, as suitable as possible for our transformation process;
- guaranteeing a healthy and nutritious final product.
These objectives are achieved only through a continuous monitoring of our crops and the implementation of self-control actions within the production process, such as frequent analysis of the soil, of the plants or pest diseases action.
Crops' rotation
We rotate the crops to maintain and improve fields’ fertility, sowing our durum wheat after pulses (clover, faba beans, pea beans, chickpeas) or industrial crops (sunflowers).
Digital innovation
Monthly GPS maps of the vegetation
for the monitoring of crops growth trend in our fields.
Decision Support System (DSS)
The decisions we take from tillage to harvesting are assisted by a Decision Support System (DSS), which provides us with data on each crop operation, processing climatic, agronomic and wheat varietal information.
Making use of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) means having an overview of our agricultural system that allows us to achieve the goal of environmental, economic and social sustainability.